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College & Career Connections wins

Ward 7 Nonprofit Quality Program Award!


CCC is proud to announce that it received the Quality Program Award from the Ward 7 Nonprofit Network this year.  

Award winners at the Ward 7 Nonprofit Network Gala
Photograph by Shannon Holloway

CCC won the Quality Program Award for OnTrack!, its two-year program which serves over 400 8th and 9th grade youth during the school day. Grounded in a year-long workshops series, and complimented by college field trips and career exploration activities, CCC's workshops build students' awareness of their interests and skills and how they are connected to potential career and college options. Throughout the year, students create a personal portfolio outlining their future plans and steps for achieving their goals.

The Ward 7 Nonprofit Network empowers its members by cultivating community and sharing knowledge and resources.  The network increases efficiency as well as effectiveness of the nonprofit services in the community, and is helping its organizations reach their potential and improve quality of life collaboratively.

As a friend of CCC, we are pleased to share this good news with you! Together we are working to ensure that more students graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education.

Thank you, 

Deann Ayer
Executive Director


CCC Needs Your Support!

Volunteer with Youth. 

CCC is looking for professionals to volunteer at career days and speed networking events at our five partner schools this Fall and Spring. For more information, contact . 

Stay in Touch.
Please follow CCC on Twitter and on Facebook to stay in touch.  

Share CCC with your Friends.

Forward this email to friends and colleagues who would be interested in learning about CCC's work with local youth.  Encourage them to join our electronic mailing list here.

Make a Donation to Support OnTrack! Today. 
It's easy to make a monthly or one-time donation to CCC using Network for Good or Paypal. If you work for the federal government, support CCC through the Combined Federal Campaign. CCC's designation number is 61667.  

Help CCC Raise Money. 
CCC is looking for volunteers to support its development efforts. Contact  for more info about how you can help!


College & Career Connections
4620 Alabama Ave, SE
Washington, DC  20019
Phone: 202.536.4907
Fax: 202.536.4284