Archive for April, 2011

Interim Report Now Available

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Thanks to the support of the Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation, CCC has hired an evaluation consultant to review our exiting program evaluation tools.  We are proud to present the following results from our 2010-11 Interim Program Report. If you are in a search for affordable term papers, don't hesitate to leave an order via the form at

Outcomes for Unit 1: Self

After participating in Unit 1, youth demonstrated measurable progress towards the OnTrack!’s program goals and learning objectives. While the majority of the participants were aware of their skills and interests at the beginning of the program, they were better able to connect their skills and interests to a viable job or career after the completion of a unit. Specifically, after the OnTrack! program, there was a 38% increase in the number of students able to logically connect their skills and interests.

In addition, the OnTrack! program helped students who were not able to identify skills,interests, or potential careers that interested them at the beginning of the year. Specifically, after the OnTrack! program, there was a 60% decrease in the number of students unable to list any skills or interests.

Outcomes for Unit 2: Career

After participating in Unit 2, youth demonstrated measurable progress towards the OnTrack!’s program goals and learning objectives: Specifically, there was a:

  • 43% increase in the number of students able to list at least one educational goal.
  • 35% increase in the number able to list at least one job they wanted to have in the future.


  • 80% of students were able to name a future educational goal
  • 84% of students effectively described how at least one job they listed used the skills they correlated with those jobs
  • 74% of students named a specific job they want in the future
  • 76% of students correctly identified the minimum education required for at least one of their listed careers.

For Schools

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

By partnering with CCC, schools are able to provide all of their eighth and ninth grade students with important college and career awareness and planning information, and benefit from CCC’s expertise and structured, consistent program.

CCC’s program reinforces the importance of academic preparation and provides young people with a compelling rationale for taking school seriously. Eligible partners are schools that are located in Washington, DC, serve 8th and 9th graders, and have school populations comprised primarily of low-income youth.

Our workshop series is designed to be delivered during the school day, at times when CCC’s team can work with groups of youth in classroom settings. Workshops typically last an hour and are delivered every other week during the school year.  CCC will also plan a career activity and college field trip for every student.

To inquire about how to partner with CCC at your school, please contact Meghan Behnke, Director of Programming, at 202.536.4907 or

For Colleges & Universities

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

An essential ingredient of CCC’s program is exposing youth to college and university campuses, faculty, and students.  These experiences directly influence young people’s ability to imagine themselves in such settings and increase their aspirations to pursue postsecondary education.

CCC is looking for college staff, students, and professors who would like to help plan a college trip on their campus.  In-kind resources such as access to list-serves or internship programs are also very valuable to us.

To inquire about the possibility of hosting one or more college visits, please contact Meghan Behnke, Director of Programming, at 202.536.4907 or

For Funders

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

CCC’s award-winning OnTrack! program is grounded in extensive research and is already demonstrating progress toward targeted outcomes.  We are confident in the OnTrack! program and the key gaps in service it is filling.  Specifically,

  • OnTrack! works with younger students at a critical time in their lives, when they are making important decisions about whether or not to stay in school.  Very few other organizations are supporting youth at this age.
  • OnTrack! reaches all students in 8th and 9th grades. Even in schools where there are many college access providers, a significant number of the students in the school do not receive services because most programs only serve a small number of students.  CCC partners with schools to provide programming to all students in a grade, reaching even those who would not otherwise seek support.
  • OnTrack! helps combat DC’s drop-out crisis.  In Washington DC’s Wards 7 & 8, 60% of students will drop out before the 10th grade.  Programs that wait until the 11th and 12th grade to support students arrive too late in the process.  Since college and career exploration is a proven strategy for reducing dropouts among high poverty youth, CCC helps combat our community’s drop out crisis.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to read more about CCC’s theory of change, the OnTrack! program design, our evaluation methods, and preliminary results.  We schedule site visits regularly throughout the year and would love to demonstrate our program in action.

For more information, please contact CCC’s Executive Director, Deann Ayer, at 202.536.4907 or .

For Businesses

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Corporations and local businesses are our young people’s future employers. Ensuring that students graduate from high school and pursue post-secondary education will help ensure a skilled workforce in the next decade and beyond. As a business and corporate partner, there are many ways you can support CCC’s work with local youth:

  • Support the OnTrack! program financially by sponsoring a classroom. Click here for more about sponsorship opportunities and giving to CCC.
  • Host a workplace visit at your place of employment.
  • Encourage employees to serve as ambassadors for your company and their career fields at a speed networking event at a local school.
  • Provide pro bono assistance with resource development, communications, legal consultation, or another area to help CCC expand and sustain its programs over time.

For more information about ways that your business can get involved, please contact Deann Ayer, Executive Director, at 202.536.4907 or

For Volunteers

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

CCC welcomes individuals who want to volunteer their time and skills to help us fulfill CCC’s mission. Specifically, you can participate in speed networking, host a college or career field trip, provide program and evaluation administrative support, or offer resource development support.

  • Speed Networking: You’ll go into our partner schools and talk with small groups of 3-4 students about your job, career path, and the education you needed to prepare for your position.
  • Host a College or Career Field Trip: If you are associated with a college or business, you can help host a group of students for an interactive day of learning about what college or a workplace really looks like and what happens there.
  • Help with our Programs and Evaluation: Our programs are all interactive and each workshop requires significant planning and materials. You can volunteer to help our Director of Programming prepare for workshops that will be delivered to 400 students in Wards 7 & 8 or assist with evaluation projects to help us measure our success.
  • Help CCC Raise Support: If you are a fan of CCC, we need your help meeting others who may be interested in supporting our work. You can volunteer to introduce us to potential donors, corporate sponsors, etc. or you can help with fundraising activities such as events or mailings.

For more information about volunteering with CCC, please contact