
Our Partners

In order to deliver effective programming, CCC relies on a variety of partners, including local middle and high schools, universities, funders, businesses, and volunteers. At you can find the list of our programs and projects developed by the writers from marketing plan writing service.

School Partnerships
By developing partnerships with schools, CCC is able to reach all students in eighth and ninth grades, not just those already enthusiastic about their futures.  The schools we partner with benefit from CCC’s expertise and structured, consistent program.

Most of CCC’s partner schools set high goals for their students, understanding that they  will need to work hard to support them in overcoming many obstacles to reach these goals.  CCC is part of this support system.  While teachers and administrators focus on academics and send the message that success is expected, OnTrack! reinforces the importance of academics in practical, concrete ways and gives students practical information and tools that make success more tangible and attainable.

To learn more about our current partners, or to become a partner, please click here.

Colleges & Universities
CCC has significant support from local colleges and universities. Each student in the OnTrack! program benefits from one visit to a college campus each year.

In the past, students have visited American University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Howard University, and University of Maryland.

University staff, professors, students, and volunteers support CCC staff in executing an interactive day of programming that helps students experience college life, understand why post-secondary education is important, and gain a clear sense of what they are working towards.

Funders & Donors
As a small nonprofit, CCC relies on foundation, corporate, individual, and government funding to implement its award-winning OnTrack! program.  CCC also benefits from generous in-kind donations that help the organization keep expenses low; specifically, donated office space and donated transportation for field trips help us save thousands of dollars each month.  To learn more about funding opportunities, the need, CCC’s OnTrack! program, and its impact, please click here.

CCC relies on a large network of almost 100 volunteers who come to classrooms in our partner schools and participate in career events. For example, volunteers participate in speed networking events where they are “interviewed” by youth about their career paths and the education they completed to prepare for their positions. Click here to learn more about becoming a volunteer.