CCC's Mission:

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College & Career Connections' mission is to effect a radical transformation in the aspirations and capacity of youth from Washington DC's low-income communities to graduate from high school and pursue higher education. To achieve this mission, CCC offers early exposure to college awareness and career planning to 400 eighth and ninth grade students in DC's Wards 7 & 8 in partnership with local schools.

An Introduction to Our Work

CCC's flagship program, OnTrack! provides early college and career exposure for 400 youth from DC's lowest-income communities. The core of CCC's program is its signature, two-year interactive classroom workshop series, offered during the school day to all eighth and ninth grade students at partner schools. CCC's workshops build students' awareness of their interests, future careers, and college options. CCC supplements the workshop series with college campus visits and career field trips and in-school activities. Since its start just four years ago, CCC has provided transformative programming for 1,600 students; 955 have participated in college field trips, and 267 youth have participated in career field trips.

CCC's work helps students to...

Explore the possibilities for their academic and professional future.

Dream big during their middle and high school years and take steps toward successfully pursuing college and a career.

Achieve their full potential!


For an overview of College & Career Connections (CCC), please visit the following pages: